At the invitation of the World Travel & Tourism Council, Travel Weekly's editor in chief Arnie Weissmann interviewed nine high profile delegates attending the group's Global Summit in Bangkok last week.

The interviews were livestreamed during the summit on a web show called "Arnie Weissmann's Backstage Pass," and featured the following guests: Carnival Cruise Line CEO Christine Duffy; Marriott International CEO Arne Sorenson; Apple Leisure Group CEO Alex Zozaya; Google's managing director, travel, Rob Torres; Thomas Cook Travel CEO Peter Fankhauser; European Tour Operators Assn. executive director Tom Jenkins; American Express Global Business Travel CEO Doug Anderson; Oxford University futurist Ian Goldin; and Carlson Wagonlit CEO Kurt Ekert.

Those segments are now available on demand, below.

Christine Duffy, president of Carnival Cruise Line, discusses women's leadership in the travel industry and how globalization has affected cruising.

Arne Sorenson, CEO of Marriott International, on the "Trump Slump," meetings business and the travel ban.

Alex Zozaya, CEO of Apple Leisure Group, discusses the impact of the Trump administration on travel to Mexico as well as crime and corruption in the country.

Rob Torres, managing director for travel, Google, discusses the evolution of its travel planning tool Trips, seven months after its release.

Peter Fankhauser, CEO of Thomas Cook Travel reflects on the importance of reputation following United Airline's "deboarding" incident.

Tom Jenkins, executive director of European Tour Operators Association, on Brexit and the potential of Europe to require visas from visiting Americans.

Doug Anderson, CEO of American Express Global Business Travel, discusses Amex's European Business Barometer's findings on perceptions about the importance of business travel.

Futurist Ian Goldin, Oxford University Professor of Globalization and Development on the impact technology and politics on societies in 2017 and beyond.

Kurt Ekert, CEO of Carlson Wagonlit, discusses the evolution of corporate agencies in the era of telepresence and OTAs.


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