Product and destination knowledge are the top services consumers
want from their travel agents, far outweighing pricing and special deals,
according to a survey of Ensemble Travel Group members.
In a survey that saw feedback from nearly 2,000 members,
Ensemble found that 65% of agents said their clients most appreciate their
product knowledge (things like the differences between cruise lines).
Fifty-three percent said it was for their destination knowledge.
The third most important thing, identified by 30% of agents,
was help in emergency situations, followed by special deals and amenities like
upgrades (26%), time savings (22%) and, in last place, price (11%).
Carl Schmitt, vice president and head of marketing for
Ensemble, said that price coming in last indicates "we've turned the
corner when it comes to consumer awareness of the real value a travel
professional makes in creating extraordinary vacations. The days of 'Can you
get me the best deal?' are gone -- and hopefully for good."
Ensemble members were also asked why their clients call them
while on a trip. Sixty-seven percent said it was assistance with air travel.
Assistance with tour/land travel was next at 48%, followed by hotel assistance
(32%), cruise assistance (25%) and car rental/rail assistance (6%).
Agents were asked which generation was most appreciative of
their expertise. Boomers came in first at 78%, while Generation X (17%) and
millennials (5%) lagged behind.
Ensemble members reported in the survey that they are having
a good summer season. Seventeen percent said business was "up
significantly," defined as more than 25%. Another 39% said business was up
5% to 24%, and 34% said it was the same as last year. Ten percent said business
was down this summer: for 9%, it was down between 5% and 24%, and for 1% it was
down more than 25%.
Ensemble this year is having its 50th anniversary, which
will be celebrated at its conference in October. As part of the survey, agents
were asked to submit their top customer-service stories for a contest. Winners
received free registration to the conference and a voucher from Delta Air
Lines. They were Marc Hayes of Custom Cruises, Ormond Beach, Fla.; Veronica
Kastukevich of Custom Travel, Wallingford, Conn.; Shelley Ewing of Tier One
Travel in Calgary, Alberta; and Philip Beck of Personal Travel Management in
Burnaby, British Columbia.