FORT LAUDERDALE -- "The impact of technology in all of our lives today simply cannot be overstated," said Luke Gibson, director of product for Trisept Solutions and VAX VacationAccess.
Gibson was speaking on stage at CruiseWorld this week, introducing a new facet of the show: TW Tech Talks.
Tech Talks was added to the CruiseWorld lineup, Gibson said, because of the pervasive nature of new and evolving technology. Travel execs were invited on stage at the conference to discuss how their brands are investing in new technology, and how agents can harness that technology to grow their own businesses.
VAX VacationAccess launched in 2000, and to put that into perspective, Gibson offered a snapshot of what technology looked like 20 years ago: the VHS format ruled in the home-entertainment realm and the first iPod (which just played music, offline) had not yet debuted.