FCM Travel Solutions, Flight Centre Travel Group's corporate travel business, has introduced several upgrades to its chatbot Sam, which stands for "Smart Assistant for Mobile."

Sam now enables travel managers to access itineraries and notifications -- including flight delays and cancellations -- about a group of travelers.

Sam Duty of Care sends alerts to travel managers when one of their travelers could be affected by an event based on his or her current location. 

Sam will automatically receive alerts from WorldAware (formerly iJet International) in real time. The chatbot uses a traveler's itinerary to determine if they might be affected. Then, the traveler will receive a push notification asking if they are safe; the travel manager is then informed about each traveler's status.

FCM also has introduced "Sam Community," enabling Sam users to share travel tips with other travelers.

"Sam presents this information to the traveler based on their context so that only relevant pieces of data are presented to the user," FCM said. 

FCM said the upgrades are a result of feedback from users.


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