Southwest has upped the price for EarlyBird check-in on some routes.

The carrier had been selling its EarlyBird offering for $15 per one-way flight across its network. But effective Wednesday, the carrier has implemented variable pricing of $15, $20 and $25.

With an EarlyBird purchase, Southwest flyers can check in 36 hours before a flight rather than 24 hours before their scheduled departure. Getting a jump on check-in guarantees flyers at least a relatively early boarding position. And since Southwest has no assigned seating, an early boarding position is key to getting a good seat.

In a blog entry on its website, Southwest explained that EarlyBird pricing will vary depending upon flight length and demand on the route.

"The price will be the same each way on any given route and will not change by day of week or time of day," the carrier said. "Therefore, the price of the EarlyBird product on a particular route will be set at one of the three price points. Southwest may update pricing in the future based on route popularity and as the product continues to evolve."

In implementing variable EarlyBird pricing, Southwest has made the product's sales model more like the model it employs for Upgraded Boarding, which guarantees passengers one of the first 15 boarding positions on their flight.

Southwest sells Upgraded Boarding only at airports for $30, $40 or $50.


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