Beirut Attractions

Showing 64 of 64 Attractions
Hotels Near ABC Ashrafiyeh1.1 miles- At the corner of Rue Forn el-Hayek and Rue Ashrafiyeh, near Sassine Square, Ashrafiyeh
Shopping- Shopping Areas
Hotels Near Abdullah Chahine et Filsless than .1 miles- Rue Georges Zeidan, off Rue du Liban, Ashrafiyeh
Shopping- Specialty Stores
Hotels Near Agial Art Gallery1.9 miles- 63 Rue Abdel Aziz, Hamra
Shopping- Galleries
Hotels Near Aishti1 miles- 71 Rue Moutrane, downtown
Shopping- Department Stores
Hotels Near Al-Omari Mosque.9 miles- Rue Al-Omari Mosque, downtown
Sightseeing- Religious Sites
Hotels Near American University of Beirut1.5 miles- Rue Bliss, Hamra
Sightseeing- Historic Sites
Hotels Near American University of Beirut Archaeology Museum.8 miles- Bliss Street, Hamra
Sightseeing- Museums
Hotels Near Amphitheatre Abou Khaterless than .1 miles- Rue de Damas behind the French Embassy and not far from the National Museum
Performing Arts- Venues
Hotels Near Ariane Travelless than .1 miles- Ariane Building, First Floor, New Jdeideh Street, Jdeidet el-Metn
Itinerary- Local Tours
Hotels Near L'Artisan du Liban1.3 miles- Rue Clemenceau, Clemenceau
Shopping- Specialty Stores
Hotels Near L'Artisan du Liban et l'Orient1.2 miles- Across the street from the Palm Beach Hotel on the Corniche, Minet el-Hosn, Ain el-Mreisseh
Shopping- Specialty Stores
Hotels Near Ashrafiyeh1.1 miles
Sightseeing- Neighborhoods & Districts
Hotels Near Assi Club Hermelless than .1 miles- Rue Makdessi, Hamra
Recreation- Boating & Sailing
Hotels Near Aziz et Walid Mouzannar Joailliersless than .1 miles- Rue Weygand, downtown
Shopping- Specialty Stores
Hotels Near B 0182.1 miles- Quarantina
Nightlife- Dance & Nightclubs
Hotels Near Barometreless than .1 miles- Blue Building, Rue Makhoul, Hamra
Nightlife- Bars, Taverns & Pubs
Hotels Near Blue Note1.3 miles- Rue Makhoul, Hamra
Nightlife- Live Music
Hotels Near Cassino.5 miles- Sodeco
Nightlife- Dance & Nightclubs
Hotels Near La CD-Thequeless than .1 miles- Rue de l'Independence, a few blocks west of Sassine Square, Ashrafiyeh
Shopping- Specialty Stores
Hotels Near Cilicia Museumless than .1 miles- In the Armenian Catholicossate of Cilicia, Jal el Dib Highway, Antelias
Sightseeing- Museums
Hotels Near City Centerless than .1 miles
Sightseeing- Neighborhoods & Districts
Hotels Near City Center Building2.4 miles- Just north of Avenue General Fouad Chehab, downtown
Sightseeing- Historic Sites
Hotels Near City Mall3.8 miles- 14 Dora Highway
Shopping- Shopping Areas
Hotels Near Cornicheless than .1 miles
Sightseeing- Neighborhoods & Districts
Hotels Near Dunes1 miles- Rue Verdun, not far from Ramlet Al Bayda Beach, Verdun
Shopping- Shopping Areas
Hotels Near Emir Assaf Mosqueless than .1 miles- Rue Weygand, downtown
Sightseeing- Religious Sites
Hotels Near Enoteca.8 miles- Avenue Charles Malek at Place Gebran Tueni, Ashrafiyeh
Shopping- Specialty Stores
Hotels Near Galerie Sfeir-Semler.3 miles- Tannous Building, Fourth Floor, Street 56, Jisr Sector 77, Quarantina
Shopping- Galleries
Hotels Near Gemmayzehless than .1 miles
Sightseeing- Neighborhoods & Districts
Hotels Near Grand Serail and Serail Hill1.7 miles- On Serail Hill, downtown
Sightseeing- Historic Sites
Hotels Near Halabi Bookshop1.1 miles- El-Horge 57, Rue Jalloul 77
Shopping- Bookstores
Hotels Near Hamraless than .1 miles
Sightseeing- Neighborhoods & Districts
Hotels Near Hippodromeless than .1 miles- Avenue Abdallah Yafi, near the National Museum, Mathaf
Spectator Sports- Horse Racing
Hotels Near Hole in the Wallless than .1 miles- Lower end of Rue Monot, Ashrafiyeh
Nightlife- Bars, Taverns & Pubs
Hotels Near Irisless than .1 miles- Beirut New Waterfront, rooftop of Seaside Pavilion
Nightlife- Dance & Nightclubs
Hotels Near Johnny Farahless than .1 miles- Rue Said Akl, Saifi Village
Shopping- Specialty Stores
Hotels Near Lebanese National Symphony Orchestra.6 miles- St. Joseph's Jesuit Church, Rue de l'Universite Saint-Joseph, Ashrafiyeh
Performing Arts- Music
Hotels Near Librairie Antoine1 miles- Rue Hamra, Hamra
Shopping- Bookstores
Hotels Near Mandaloun.9 miles- Secteur Nazareth, between Sodeco Square and the National Museum, Ashrafiyeh
Nightlife- Dance & Nightclubs
Hotels Near Martyrs Square.8 miles- Martyrs Square is on the eastern side of downtown
Sightseeing- Historic Sites
Hotels Near Metropolis Art Cinema1.1 miles- Theatre Al Madina, Rue Hamra behind Kebab-ji Restaurant, Hamra
Performing Arts- Film
Hotels Near Mohammad al-Amin Mosqueless than .1 miles- Rue Emir Bechir (next to Martyrs Square), downtown
Sightseeing- Religious Sites
Hotels Near Municipality Building.9 miles- Rue Weygand, downtown
Sightseeing- Historic Sites
Hotels Near Musee de Prehistoire Libanaiseless than .1 miles- On the campus of the University of St. Joseph, Rue de l'Universite Saint-Joseph, Ashrafiyeh
Sightseeing- Museums
Hotels Near Music Hall1.4 miles- Rue Omar Daouk (downstairs in the Starco Center), downtown
Nightlife- Live Music
Hotels Near Nada Debsless than .1 miles- Rue Mkhallassiye, Saifi Village
Shopping- Specialty Stores
Hotels Near National Institute for Scuba Divingless than .1 miles- Solidere Beirut Marina
Recreation- Scuba & Snorkeling
Hotels Near National Museum of Beirutless than .1 miles- Rue de Damas, Mathaf
Sightseeing- Museums
Hotels Near Naufal Booksellersless than .1 miles- Rue Sourate, Hamra
Shopping- Bookstores
Hotels Near Pigeon Rocks1.7 miles- Avenue General de Gaulle, Raouche
Sightseeing- Historic Sites
Hotels Near Planet Discoveryless than .1 miles- Rue Omar Daouk, downtown
Sightseeing- Museums
Hotels Near Roman Baths.8 miles- On the eastern slope of Serail Hill, and at its base, just west of Rue Riad el-Sohl, downtown
Sightseeing- Historic Sites
Hotels Near Saad Tours1.8 miles- George Haddad Building, Rue Amine Gemayel, Ashrafiyeh
Itinerary- Local Tours
Hotels Near Saifi Villageless than .1 miles- On the southeastern edge of downtown
Shopping- Shopping Areas
Hotels Near Sapaless than .1 miles- Rue Seifeddine el Khatib near Sodeco Square, Ashrafiyeh
Nightlife- Dance & Nightclubs
Hotels Near Shah Loungeless than .1 miles- Rue de l'Universite just off Rue Monot, Ashrafiyeh
Nightlife- Dance & Nightclubs
Hotels Near Sky Barless than .1 miles- O1NE Building, New Waterfront, Downtown
Nightlife- Dance & Nightclubs
Hotels Near Splash Water Park Damourless than .1 miles- Ain Saadeh, Main Road
Sightseeing- Amusement Parks
Hotels Near Sporting Club Swimming Centerless than .1 miles- Raouche
Recreation- Swimming
Hotels Near St. George's Greek Orthodox Cathedralless than .1 miles- On the southeast side of Nejmeh Square, downtown
Sightseeing- Religious Sites
Hotels Near St. George's Maronite Cathedralless than .1 miles- Rue Emir Bechir, downtown
Sightseeing- Religious Sites
Hotels Near Sursock Museum1.7 miles- Greek Orthodox Archbishopric Street, Ashrafieh
Sightseeing- Museums
Hotels Near Tania Travelless than .1 miles- Sidani Street, Hamra and Sodeco Square Mall, Ashrafiyeh
Itinerary- Local Tours
Hotels Near Theatre Monnotless than .1 miles- Rue de l'Universite Saint-Joseph below the Musee de Prehistoire Libanaise, Ashrafiyeh
Performing Arts- Theater

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