Calle Art 123 No. 7924 Zona Norte, Tijuana, Baja California Norte, Mexico 22000
Not Yet Rated
Commission: -
Rooms: 65
Rates: -
Amenities are in all rooms unless noted otherwise
Credit Cards: Credit Cards Are Accepted
Reservation Policy: Reservations must be guaranteed with a credit card
Total number of meeting rooms: 1
Total meeting room capacity: 1 meeting rooms
Tijuana, Mexico
3 Superior Tourist Class
This 108 room property, built in 2017...
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4 Moderate First Class
Modern 10-story Hotel situated on Tijuana's main boulevard, overlooking country club.
6 First Class
Thirty two story mirrored twin tower high rise located near the heart of the business district of Tijuana.
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Calle Art 123 No. 7924 Zona NorteTijuana, Baja California Norte, Mexico 22000
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Phone: 52 664-638-4839
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