Karl-Marx-Str. 9, Gruenheide, Germany 15537
Not Yet Rated
Commission: -
Rooms: 25
Rates: -
Check in Time: 2:00 PM
Check out Time: 11:00 AM
Number of Floors: 2
Credit Cards: Credit Cards Are Accepted
Reservation Policy: Reservations must be guaranteed with a credit card
Total number of meeting rooms: 1
Total meeting room capacity: 1 meeting rooms
Hotel Location: Beach, Highway, Lake, Mountain
Berlin, Germany
6 First Class
Resort and conference hotel, situated on the bank of Lake Muggelsee;set amid the beauty of a protected nature and water reserve.
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4 Moderate First Class
Golden Tulip Hotel am Schloss Koepenick in Berlin offers riverside views, modern amenities, stylish rooms, fine dining, and easy access to transport. Ideal for all travelers.
7 Superior First Class
Located half mile from Castle of Koepenick and Town Hall Koepenick; 2 miles from Lake Muegglesee; 8 miles N of Berlin city center.
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Karl-Marx-Str. 9Gruenheide, Germany 15537
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Phone: 49 3362-884570
Fax: 49 3362-884571
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