No 399 Tongzipo Rd Yuelu District, Changsha, China 410013
Not Yet Rated
Commission: 8%
Rooms: 248
Rates: -
Amenities are in all rooms unless noted otherwise
Check in Time: 11:00 AM
Check out Time: 12:00 PM
Number of Floors: 10
Credit Cards: Credit Cards Are Accepted
Reservation Policy: Reservations must be guaranteed with a credit card
Cancellation Policy: 24 hrs before the day of arrival
Total number of meeting rooms: 3
Total event space: 450 sq m
Total meeting room capacity: 3 meeting rooms holding 400 people
Largest meeting room capacity: 250 people
Yuelu District.
Hotel Location: Highway
Changsha, China
This 308 room property, built in 2014...
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This hotel is scheduled to open winter 2024.
7 Superior First Class
Located at the crossroads of Furong and Renmin roads with close proximity to Tianxin Pavilion and overlooking Yuelu mountain.
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No 399 Tongzipo Rd Yuelu DistrictChangsha, China 410013
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Phone: 86 731-898-9999
Fax: 86 731-898-9888
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