Hamar, Norway16.9 miles
Modern conference hotel located within 10 minutes from central Hamar and the train station - Domkirkeodden Museum is 3.3 km away....
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6 First Class
Commission: 10%
Rooms: 239
Rates: $109 - $159
Furnes, Norway17.6 miles
Conference-oriented Hotel located 600 meters east of town center & train station....
Rooms: 176
Rates: -
Hamar, Norway16.3 miles
Comfortable Hotel situated in town center, overlooking harbor & promenade, opposite lake & gardens....
Rooms: 115
Hamar, Norway16.4 miles
Six-story Hotel located in town center, close to Convention Center....
4 Moderate First Class
Rooms: 135
Gjovik, Norway9 miles
Hotel is 1 hour and 20 minutes by bus from Oslo airport; impressive building housing modern amenities for their guest's comfort....
Rooms: 90
Gjovik, Norway8.8 miles
Contemporary Hotel situated on west bank of Lake Mjosa in the city center; seminar and conference facilities for up to 250 people....
Rooms: 151
Raufoss, Norway4.3 miles
Not Yet Rated
Commission: -
Rooms: 46
Boverbru, Norway3.3 miles
This 20 room property, renovated in 2011......
Rooms: 20
Rates: $91 - $91